Wednesday 18 December 2019

Content Marketing Psychology: How to Get More People Sharing Your Content

Marketing is the key component of any business. When it comes to the digital playground, content becomes the king and thus, content marketing is something that every online business owner deals with. Be it telling about your services and products or selling those online, content plays an important role in getting more and more customers.

How can Content help you become the King?

Content is the tool by which a firm can target the emotions of the consumer. The content can persuade the people visiting your website to buy from it, or to avail your services. Content, if used wisely, can bring down marketing expenses by a huge amount as good content will automatically lead to good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and people will organically access your site, says a report from a well-known provider of Digital Marketing Services.

Furthermore, the advent of Social Media has played a pivotal role, as people can now share your content in their own networks and give you more and more visitors. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VK, etc. are full of pages about products and services and companies are trying their best to interact with the users on these platforms. The firms' whose content is found interesting can be seen trending on the social handles and this definitely is one of the best and the cheapest digital marketing solutions available to the firms.

How can you make people share your content?

After doing some in-depth studies and collaborating with a popular SEO Services Company, we have found the conclusion that emotional messages delivered through content leave a deeper mark on the consumers rather than using promotional messages. So, making people feel connected with the content is the way you can make people share your content over the internet.

But you may ask how? Well, we have identified the five key emotions that must be targeted in your content so that more and more people share your content.

Amusement: People love to share jokes and funny incidents with their friends and relatives. This is true when it comes to content too. If you can create a funny infographic related to your business or can come up with a comic ad for your brand, then that type of content is more likely to be shared in the social circle.

Happiness: Positive news is something which brings a smile to the face of everyone. Marketers must create content that can show the brighter side of things. A content that tells about benefits and advantages are more likely to be shared by the people.

Surprise: It is globally accepted that humans love surprises (sometimes they hate it too). Surprising your audience by giving them something they didn't expect while clicking on your link will surely hold their attention. Such a content will be definitely shared over the social media and give you the much needed exposure.

Interest: Make money, become rich, get something for free, such lines immediately invoke the interest of the people. Content that can tell people what they'll be gaining from the product or the service is a great way to make people share your content. Make sure the content focusses on what they get and not on what they have to pay to get it.

Delight: People are delighted by offers, sale, rebates, cash backs and freebies. Framing the content in such a way that it gives more focus to your freebies and offers and will definitely grab the attention of the probable consumer and also make him share it with his friends and relatives. AS per the reports of an online marketing company, almost 70% of the people share a content on their social media circles if the content is based on something that has delighted them, like an offer or discount. Apart from this, people can also be delighted by a vivid description of your services or products and this can also be a great way to engage with your consumers.
As we know the content is the king, so it is very important for us to understand the importance of content. Digital marketing company focuses on the content sharing and link building equally.

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Tuesday 17 December 2019

The Psychology of Social Media

We've all heard the saying, "Fifteen minutes of fame!" and the possibility of achieving that has never been more prevalent than in this age of the internet, reality shows and social media. Even twenty-five years ago you had to be a young toddler falling deep into an abandoned well to reach the status of a national celebrity, but these days all it takes is a well placed Twitter, misquoted Facebook post or exposure through a viral video.

Following Osama Bin Laden's death, fingers were flying as posts and tweets were generated within microseconds of the news hitting the airwaves. One such Tweet attributed a stand against wishing our enemy death to Martin Luther King, Jr. Through supersonic research and the quest for the source of the ill stated quote, it was revealed the quote was either an error or a scam. Even the source and motivation of the misquote became a question and the truth has not yet been discovered. Through it all, the underlying burning question for social media considerations brought to the forefront a more interesting issue, the psychology of social media postings.

What is it that motivates the flittering tweet in a person's mind or that scandalous Facebook post that has people wondering what's the story between the lines? In dealing with social media, it's a very critical topic to consider, especially for businesses. Looking at the two types of social media avenues, personal and business, may offer a little more perspective and remind us to develop guidelines when creating social media plans for business.

The psychology of personal social media postings can be as varied as the people typing on the keyboard and not easily interpretable as many people may not reveal their true emotions, feelings or personality through their social profiles. A recent survey of college aged women found many reasons for daily posts had truly to do with real social events or hook-ups with a love interest. Women stated they intentionally posted where they were going, pictures of themselves looking incredible, or information about how much fun they were having, knowing a guy they were interested in would be seeing the post flying across the news feed. Twitter is more effective when connected to Facebook and the constant stream of Tweets is unavoidable and sometimes downright annoying.

Women in this college demographic also see the social media forum as just that, social. Many posts and pictures are splattered throughout the internet without a care or concern for the future, even though there are certain courses where professors may caution that once posted, you could be toasted in the future. One such college student recently commented, "She'd better start saving her money to pay Google to delete her existence when she began her career search." The problem with that is once public, the picture or comment can be copied and saved even if it's deleted at some point in time. And while the cross-dressing Halloween outfit may have been the hit of the kegger, it probably won't make a great political statement during an election should that be the direction taken after college. Long gone are the days of, "I didn't inhale," chances are there could be a You Tube video proving otherwise.

The other dilemma found in social media is the same concept we still see in email messaging, the circulation of false stories and viruses with the intent of causing harm and destruction. What motivates someone to intentionally dream up a horrible tale of cancer or death to cause people to click open the file and have their hard drive attacked? Is it the fact victims are unseen so there's less sympathy or none at all? Or, is it the satisfaction of knowing they had the single-handed power to ruin the time and energy of masses of people? Or, are they simply looking for some fake sense of grabbing their fifteen minutes of fame anonymously knowing anything other than halting the government systems will not likely produce a law officer knocking on their door? Whatever the motivating pathology, the certain thing is these malcontents can judge, measure and watch their destruction from the comfort of their bedroom knowing the discomfort they've imposed.

Fortunately, the vast majority of users of social media for personal fun aren't there for ill intent. From a perspective of someone who watches hundreds of Facebook posts, tweets, tumbles and stumbles, the majority of users appear to have one general theme: to reach out and touch friends, to make a difference in a life, to share a piece of themselves and to promote their beliefs and causes. Finding people who were once an important part of their life years ago, rekindling relationships with friends and family, staying in touch across miles and being virtual voyeurs with permission to do so and not having to feel creepy about it, are all reasons for making connections. Satisfying that nosey neighbor craving to know what other people are doing is also not to be overlooked.

After active users, there are several categories of "friends" beginning with those who simply do not care about what their friends are posting, never liking or acknowledging the existence of anyone else, instead simply promoting their own agenda. The quiet friends are the mere observers who never post, but read about everyone else, keeping their comments private and between close friends and family only. And the most curious partaker in social media is the friend who never post and whose wall is shut down, they rarely log in and have no idea changes to Facebook are being made constantly and have only a vague idea of Twitter but know they don't want any part of it. These are the individuals who at a weak moment in time caved to peer pressure and created a Facebook page and have now probably forgotten the password in order to delete it.

The personal drive of users appears to be for the most part, one of validation of existence. To feel life is moving and happening when the reality may be sheer boredom has set in. To feel part of a world that is constantly evolving and growing. To feel that what you believe, say or want makes a difference at least to the hundreds of names found on their friend list. It allows a bit of momentary narcissism and obtaining a tiny bit of attention on a grander scale than life without social media allows. It's an ego boost and a healthy expansion of our world that brings knowledge and conversation. However, one misquote on a tantalizing and controversial subject can throw you smack in the middle of a feeding frenzy of social media carnivores. So, caution should be taken when reposting or firing off a hateful or pointed post. But, the beauty of social media is the likelihood of becoming the subject of a scandal is rare and still leaves us able to throw around the fifteen minutes of fame cliche. Unless, you are a corporation or business, then the game and the rules change.

With regard to the psychology of business participation in social media, it's important to understand the factors that drive our personal use of social media must be used in reverse when it comes to promoting business. The personality of the user becomes insignificant as a voice for the company is the only sound that should be heard. The prejudice, thoughts and beliefs of the person in charge of the tweets and posts, has to be stifled and the words become politically correct no less than if the advertisement is hitting the front page of the local paper. Public profiles must be in line with company policies and standards, following a formula or plan to promote and encourage business without offending and designed to achieve the purpose of social media which should be business and income generation. The personalities of customers, followers and fans take over and become the target. The importance of the psychology of the readers of the content is what must be of paramount consideration to create an effective marketing strategy and plan. One misplaced quote, one offending post or tacky tweet can have a snowball effect to the bottom-line. Caution and care must be taken when creating the personality of the company to be put on the internet forever. Leaving the fate of such an important representation should be taken seriously and not put into the hands of the cashier at the front desk simply because she's the only one with a Facebook page.

As you can see the psychology of social media is responsible for the existence of social media and has the potential to destroy someone in the blink of an eye or promote fame at the speed of light. It's an important consideration for all players, on all levels, to correctly utilize and protect yourself when in the playing field of the social media arena. It's a world that grows as fast as keystrokes can be laid down and share buttons clicked and the consequences are far reaching with negative news flowing faster than uncontroversial tidbits. The only comfort in knowing that should you make a personal misstep is, fifteen minutes is a relatively short amount of time in which to weather a storm and should the ill-placed Tweet cause a downfall of a business, it can always post the offending social media manager has been fired, retract the misquote, delete the upset followers and seek out new fans. Just don't forget to do damage control and respond to all the negative comments certain to be floating around on the internet. Yes, that is another topic entirely.

Leslie Prichard is a freelance writer who consults with corporations in order to prepare articles and web content for their industry specific needs as well as a corporate social media manger. Leslie's work has been published throughout various media including websites and magazines and she has won awards for her writing. Leslie has also been a paralegal for twenty plus years and holds a B.A. degree from Texas Tech University. Leslie is always connected and can be contacted via social media: email at or find her on Facebook and Twitter where she spends most of her waking hours.

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Monday 16 December 2019

Utilize Visual Imagery in Social Media Marketing to Increase Conversion Rates

Cognitive psychologists are very interested in determining how the brain works. Social media marketing practitioners are very interested in determining how to increase conversion rates. When these two groups of people share information, it becomes very evident that including specific types of effective imagery on your social networking websites becomes imperative for your success as an entrepreneur.

The visual interpretation of images has a profound impact on increasing conversions!

You see, when we understand the detailed mechanisms that affect the brain's performance levels, we are better able to communicate and collaborate with others. That is what social media marketing is all about! We want to establish a positive vibration with every visitor on our sites. We want to stir their emotions. We want for them to remember us and return to visit us often. We can accomplish this efficiently by tapping into their brains - by giving them physical representations of what we want for them to learn in addition to the text-based content that we provide for them.

Human beings use vision as a primary input device for knowledge building.

Information that is taken in through our eyes is transferred directly to the primary visual cortex in the rear of our brains. This information is then classified and transferred to up to more than 30 other parts of the brain. The three main parts of the brain that deal with our visual input patterns are:

- The ventral stream - determines what objects are;
- The dorsal stream - classifies objects according to available physical space;
- The limbic system - attaches emotions and feelings to those objects;

In order to be optimally effective at social media marketing, we need to stimulate each of these areas of the brain. When we make our visitors' brains fire up with activity, we create more engrossing and memorable experiences for them. That is interesting. That leads to increase sales.

Characteristics of effective imagery:

An effective image inspires visual interpretation by inviting the eyes to move around on it. Human beings create meaning in a large way through visual interrogation of their surroundings. Therefore, you can increase the power of your social media marketing endeavors by:

- Using images to clarify what you wish to communicate;
- Making your images more fully engaged by including an interactive element in them;
- Making your images more memorable by creating an unmistakable persistence about them;

Learning how the brain works, and how to inspire visual interrogation of the images that you include in your social media marketing vehicles, are imperative elements to the success of your campaigns. You have to take the time to get to know what your visitors are looking for - and then deliver it to them in the most p

Demetrios Tzortzis is a social media expert whose systematic approach to online marketing has effectively helped thousands of people across the globe grow their business. Demetrios works as a coach and mentor to help businesses maximize their Internet presence through strategic online marketing and brand maximization.

Demetrios Tzortzis

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Friday 13 December 2019

7 Ways to Use Videos for More Engagement on Instagram

In the digital world, social media has become a very important part of a successful marketing strategy. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. offer a lot of opportunities for brands to showcase their products. These platforms are free to use and you can directly interact with a larger audience at once. You don't need to invest a lot of money in building a marketing strategy that includes social media videos. No matter whether you have a small or a large business, it's time that you take social media marketing seriously.

Based on statistics shared by Lyfe marketing, 93 percent of videos on Twitter are accessed from mobile phones. Views of branded video content on YouTube has doubled in the last three years. Moreover, Facebook live videos receive 10 times more comments that a regular video. All these statistics show that video content is in demand on social media networks. This is because millennials connect more to videos on social media. Web Marketing Video Council has found that more than 60 percent of brands are using social media videos actively for promotions. Thus, it is highly likely that your competitors are also leveraging the power of social media video to expand their customer base.

Instagram is a very powerful social media platform that allows you to share images and videos online. Techcrunch has been studying Instagram trends since its launch. As per their study, Instagram crossed the threshold of 1 billion monthly active users in 2018. Moreover, Instagram is currently growing at a rate of 5 percent per quarter, the highest among social media platforms. So, Instagram should be your first choice in showcasing your brand's product and services. In this article, we will take you through some ways to use Instagram videos for engaging more audience.

Short Commercials

Create short, valuable videos that represent your brand. You can showcase your product in an artistic way through these videos. The commercial can be inspirational, funny, or emotional. Instagram currently allows you to share a 60 second video on your timeline. With such short videos, it is easy to grab the attention of the target audience. Also, short videos are best to share crisp information about your products. You can share the commercial in Instagram stories, IGTV or in the Instagram timeline.

Product details

Showcase your product's specifications or a 'product in action' video to demonstrate its capability. Focus only on important features to keep the viewers engaged. Keep the video more informative and less descriptive. Attention to detail is the key to creating a cool and sexy video. You can put the product video in your brand's Instagram page's timeline for the audience to see anytime. Creating such spontaneous videos attracts a lot of attention.

Do it yourself videos

An effective way to use Instagram videos is to create instructional content. 'Do it yourself' or 'how to' videos share your products working. This helps the users to understand the product's usage. You can also create troubleshooting videos related to any problem that your customer might face. To the point videos are liked by the target audience as they get relevant information within a short span of time. By sharing such videos from time to time you can build a relationship with your existing customers.

Behind the scenes video

Customers have become picky in choosing a product, hence it is important to establish a connection with them. You can create behind the scenes videos that take them through trivia related to your product. You can even conduct quick learning sessions about tips and tricks related to your product usage. The fast forward video that Sheryl Cole has shared about her work will give some idea. You just have to be creative and smart in capturing the right moments for your Instagram video.

Instagram Stories Video

Instagram launched Insta stories in August 2016. Through stories, you can share images or videos with your followers for a 24-hour duration. This short span creates a sense of urgency and people tend to view the stories as they see one active. You can use stories to promote your business as follows:

Sharing short-time deals is a good way to attract people to your products and services. You can set up the offer so that it can only be redeemed during the story's lifespan. Once people get to know about such deals, they will come for more.

Let an influencer take over your Instagram handle to share a sneak peek of the products and discount offers. A familiar face is sure to attract more audience.

Live on Instagram
The best feature on Instagram is that you can stream live video on it. Once you go live on Instagram, you are at the forefront of your follower's feed. Hence, there are high chances of your followers engaging with your live stream. They get to see your stream even if they aren't physically part of the event. Product previews, product releases, Q&A sessions, educational streams, etc. are some ways in which you can engage with your online audience. If your event is pre-planned, then you can promote it through emails and other social media platforms.

Bring in the makers

Give a personal touch to your stories by introducing your employees who have created your products and services. You can get the team members to share their journey in product development. Also, you can let your employees handle your brand's Instagram account for a day. They can then share details about their work life and the hard work that goes into making the product. The employees can even conduct a Q&A session for the audience to educate them about the product. Such video sessions create an emotional connect with the target audience and more views to your Instagram account.


If you aren't incorporating the power of Instagram into your digital marketing campaign, then you are missing out on something big. Instagram's potential if exploited properly, can take your products to new heights. There is no perfect way to use Instagram video, the techniques mentioned above will help you in getting started in doing so. You can even hire social media management agencies that will help you promote your products by creating some amazing video content.

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Thursday 12 December 2019

How To Connect With Big Names On LinkedIn To Boost Your Business

Boosting your business can be done in many different ways on social media, from advertising to joining groups and contributing, and from targeting a specific audience to trying to catch some big names.

Here are some of the things that you should bear in mind when trying to link with big names on LinkedIn.

Build Up a Base For Your Business First

You can't join LinkedIn on behalf of your business and instantly start trying to connect with the big names and famous people. You can try, but you're unlikely to get very far, and LinkedIn may even try to stop you from connecting with anybody else.

You should spend at least the first few weeks and months building up a supporter and customer base from regular members of the public and other LinkedIn users. The more your brand is recognized, the more likely you are to be successful with the big names.

Find People With Common Interests

You can try to target whoever you like on LinkedIn, but remember that those most likely to reply and engage with you are those which already have an interest in your industry or niche.

For example, if your business relates to new ways of dealing with waste and pollution, look out for big name activists or politicians which have been heavily involved in these issues.

If you can't find anything in common with somebody on LinkedIn, ask yourself what the value in connecting with them is really going to be. By finding the common interests, you will be able to appeal to them more effectively, increasing the chance of a meaningful connection and future contact.

Take The Time To Make It Personal

It's a well-known fact among those who regularly correspond with big names that if you don't make it personal, it's unlikely that you will get a reply. If you haven't bothered to put any extra effort into writing to them, why should they be bothered to reply and get involved with your ask?

Take a few minutes to research the person beforehand. This enables you to include a couple of relevant details which would be of interest to them or act as a memorable reminder of who you are.

You should also remember or be aware that famous people and well-known industry leaders on LinkedIn receive hundreds of requests to connect, and only connect with completely new requests when they can see a real benefit or something or someone that really interests them.

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